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Most effective valuation model

The data we use to calculate your home's value is based on recently sold homes, which is the best analysis for determining value

When a real estate agent is providing you with a CMA (comparative market analysis), they are doing the same thing in terms of looking at sold homes in your area. There are many methods for calculating value but using recently sold home data to calculate this figure is the most practical as it is using real market samples. All of the recently sold homes used are based out of the MLS and/or public record, and our Home Value estimator calculates this automatically to produce your home's current market value instantly.

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Stay up to date with your home's price

Your current market value is based on the trend in recently sold comparable homes in your area. We always stay up to date with the most recently sold homes so you can always feel free to use our tool to check your home value. Things are constantly changing so we invite you to use our home value tool to get your estimate periodically to stay up to date with your home's pricing.

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We're here if you need us

When the time is right and you want to take an extra step towards a more accurate home value estimate, a RealtyTopia real estate agent is able to look at your home in better detail and give you a more precise value based on your home's condition, curb appeal, unique characteristics, or how updated your home is.

See how much you can save

With RealtyTopia you can save up to 70% of costs associated with other brokers and platforms




Buying with RealtyTopia



Selling with RealtyTopia

Home 50k$50,000
Home 2m$2,000,000

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